Meet Our Mentors

Joey - co-lead mentor

As an alumni of AVHS and founding member of the Knights of Valley from 2008, Joey has 16 seasons and counting of experience in FIRST robotics, and is always willing to fill in where needed. He mainly works with mechanical and electrical but well versed in robot. When things break he can find creative ways to fix them. Over the years he has earned the title of Macgyver. He was also a 2024 Woodie Flowers Finalist. 

max - co-lead mentor

Max has been a part of Knights of the Valley since he was a student himself. From former captain of the team to a co-lead mentor, Max works with students on mechanical, design, CAD, electrical, and many other aspects around building the robot. He's been titled the Teams FRC Encyclopedia (or the FRC Pokedex according to the students). During competition season you will see him on the field as one of the team's drive coaches helping lead our students to a hopeful win. 

Kent - co-lead mentor

As a parent of a Knights of the Valley alumni, Kent has been with the team for the last 10 years. He has stuck around to help the future generations of robotics programing. Whether this is the first time a student has shown interest in programing, or a student already has experience, Kent teaches the students what is needed to gain skills with Java. In his spare time, He enjoys relaxing in an Adirondack chair with a nice cup of coffee.


Vickie joined the team as a mentor when her son was a team member, and has continued her involvement with the team after his graduation. Vickie has been pivotal in assisting the team on its journey to become a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Through those efforts, the team has grown not only its sponsorship funding, but is also growing its plans for the future. Vickie works with the team on sustainability, organization and mentorship. She has also worked hard to make sure the team can find what they need by managing and organizing our tools and inventory. Team members learn from Vickie not only where to find something, but also where to put it back, and to understand how much time is lost when tools aren't put back where they belong!  


Since some of the students (and mentors) have grandiose ideas and expectations, Jess works with the team to ensure their goals realistic and well grounded. Whether it is helping with the team administrative duties or working with the students through award applications, they help prepare the team for real life outcomes of those decisions. While from the outside, it may seem like dreams are being crushed, from the inside we all know they are only working hard to make sure the students understand the skills they learn in robotics carry over to adulthood. They help the students learn to embrace the idea of doing your best instead of being the best.


Jonathan is a master strategist.  Not just with his real job but within the team. He's been working hard with the mentors and the community to build team sustainability. The team has big plans for themselves and Jonathan wants to make sure between sponsorships, community outreach, or even internal team communication, that these goals can be reached. 


Todd primarily handles organization, project management, and logistics with a dash of mechanical engineering. When the team is desperate enough, Todd works towards creative uses of materials, making sure the team has what it needs. He's a jack-of-all-trades.... except for programming, nobody should be a jack-of-programming.



Paul has utilized his background in embedded programming and electrical engineering here with the Knights of the Valley. He's been interested in FIRST since his son was in elementary school in Duluth, MN. Now days, GrandPaul (as the students call him) spends his time helping guide the students around all things electrical with the robots they're building. From the start of the season, to the pits during competitions, Paul is there to ensure the robots are working, even if it takes some creative engineering. Duct tape or zip ties, fixed is fixed.


Nick recently has taken on working with our media team students, to help tie together all of the creative elements and teach students the importance of branding, design, and marketing.


Anna works with the students in early season to build field props. While Mechanical, Programing, and Electrical work together to build their dream bot, Anna ensures when its time to practice, they have some remnants of the field to practice on. In true Red Green fashion, Though the team doesn't find her handsome, they do find her handy!

As the team keeps growing and moving forward, Anna is working towards learning the ins and outs of becoming an additional drive team coach for competitions.


Apolo takes everything very seriously. He keeps a close eye on everyone. He'll reach out to people having a tough time or a bad day, but he is more reserved about doing so. He always makes sure to have an eye on Jess, because he's her partner first and foremost. He is a certified service dog, so unless he knows you, he usually won't say "Hi" while he's working. 

Artemis (Arty/Artie)

Artemis the bestest boy! he is very charismatic and loves to greet everyone. he makes sure no one gets too serious and always breaks up arguments and keeps people from raising their voices. He's always the first one to run up and say "Hi!". He is following in the footsteps of his big brother Apollo in learning to be the best service dog he can be.